Lean Construction Institute Finland ry

LCI Finland ry is an open, independent, and non-profit organization whose mission is to research, develop and apply lean thinking and lean management principles in the construction industry and find the best practices for our member organizations.

Board of Directors

Pekka Petäjäniemi

Chairman of the Board, Väylävirasto (Finnish Transportation Infrastructure Agency)

Pekka Petäjäniemi is currently working as a division director in the Procurement Division of Väylävirasto. The division is responsible for about 800 million euros of annual road, rail, and waterway investments. Pekka Petäjäniemi is also the chairman of the advisory board of MANK ry (Civil Engineering Advisory Board) and a member of the RIL (Finnish Association of Civil Engineers) board. As for international organizations, he is the vice-chairman of the Europe-wide network of large investments (NETLIPSE).

Pekka Petäjäniemi has both an engineering and a master’s degree, and a 35 years of engineering work experience in the infrastructure sector, both in sectors of design and construction. He has worked not only in Finland but also in Germany, and although his experience has been gained mainly in the public sector, he also has worked in the private one. Since 2010, he has worked in leading positions in infrastructure construction and has invested significantly in the development of the entire industry by applying procurement and cooperation procedures that improve productivity, especially in customer operations. He is a sought-after speaker on the practices related to the development of the industry at numerous domestic and foreign seminars, where the importance of integrated public sector infrastructure procurement and lean methods to the productivity of the entire Finnish construction industry are discussed.

Piia Sormunen

Vice chairman of the board, University of Tampere

TkT DI (Doctor of Technology, Graduate Engineer) Piia Sormunen works as an iIndustry professor of building technology at the University of Tampere in the building technology department and as a development director in construction and real estate development services at Granlund Oy.

Her background is in lean construction and the energy efficiency of the built environment. During her career of over 25 years, Piia Sormunen has held expert and management positions both in the consulting industry and in the academic world.

Kari-Pekka Tampio

PPSHP / Northern Ostrobothnia hospital district

Kari-Pekka Tampio currently works as the program director of the Oulu University Hospital renovation program OYS2030 (Hospital of the Future) and as the project manager of the client (PPSHP, 1.1.2H023 North Ostrobothnia welfare area) in the investment projects of the renovation program. During his career of over 30 years. he has worked in industrial investment projects in the roles of an expert and manager in the service of both consultants and clients.

As an active and enthusiastic developer of project business, he has e.g., participated from the beginning in the IPD project started in Finland in 2014, and still continuing onto this decade as IPD4. Real estate and construction industry clients all over Finland have been involved in the project. The goal is to develop methods, tools, and quality of the project and service expertise in Finland in the best interest of clients, considering at the same time also the success of service providers.

The strategic planning and management of large and complex construction projects – such as hospitals – as well as the development of collaborative project delivery models are close to his heart. Kari Pekka Tampio is currently working on a dissertation for the University of Oulu on the creation of value in cooperative hospital construction projects.

Anssi Koskenvesa

Mittaviiva Oy

Anssi Koskenvesa is the CEO of Mittaviiva Oy, the project and production management trainer and consultant. He has worked as a developer and trainer of Lean Construction methods since the 1990s, i.e., the entire time that Lean methods have been developed for the construction industry in Finland. He has been actively introducing lean methods into company practices, developing these further , and training personnel. Koskenvesa trains Lean Construction methods (Last Planner, takt production, Parade of Trades, Villego) every week at different construction companies and for a variety of projects. In addition to the extensive Ratu material, he has published Last Planner guides with his partners and produced digital tools for the use of Last Planner methods in companies and on construction sites. In addition, Koskenvesa is working on a thesis for the University of Tampere on the management of factors affecting the productivity of construction work.

Janne Pihlajaniemi

University of Oulu

Toni Väisänen

Architecture Office Tähti-Set Oy

Toni Väisänen is the CEO of Tähti-Set Oyltd. Currently, he works as the main designer in large hospital projects, in the Laakso joint hospital project and in phase 1 of the OYS Future hospital project.

He has studied architecture and is a member of SAFA, the Finnish Association of Architects. Väisänen has been involved in the planning of large cooperative projects, some of which have been implemented using the principle of open construction.

Väisänen has experience and interest in lean principles, especially in lean planning of long-term and change-sensitive projects.

Jan Hellman

Amplit Oy

Jouni Kekäle

NRC Group Finland Oy